Tuesday, February 28, 2006


please take this quiz about me: even if you know/think you will do badly!!


Monday, February 27, 2006


I dare you to tell me that that isn't the cutest thing you have ever seen! hehe...

I love my rats

this one is named Duo

Saturday, February 25, 2006


warning, this post is filled of negativity... read if you dare.

I feel like I am going to die.

I have been sick for about three weeks. I have been light-headed and coughing like a seal/goose too. I feel like I am going to faint. I went back to the doctor today. I am now on two different kinds of inhalers, one with steroids. and I now have a whole new set of horse pills to somehow swallow.

On top of that, because of my dizziness, not only did I break and waste a perfectly good glass sobe, but... I cut pinky finger on a honken piece of glass. It didn't just cut me... it went in at an angle, so it is kind of deep. ...*sigh*...

not to mention it ruined my rug.

So, I'm sick

can't breathe right

hurt my pinky finger badly

and rugless...

oh... and I never did open that 2 liter of Ginger Ale again...

I must die now...


Thursday, February 23, 2006

elephantine VS volkswaggi

I have recently been introduced to the volkswaggi measurement system... although I am a fan of the elephantine.

like right now- plumpy the medium sized plump elephant needs to take a coffee break so that i may think straight once again.


I do not like posting negative entries, that got me into trouble a ways back. I ended up deleting the journal. All those entires... gone. I kind of regret it... kind of. Me being the writer at heart, I could have used the material as reference for future novels. Although, I have files and files on my computer and files and files in folders of letters, IM conversations, e-mails, etc for reference... not to mention the journals I write in... so I suppose I will survive.

I watched the original "Stepford Wives" movie last night. I must say, it was considerably better than the newer version... As much as I enjoy Nicole Kidman and Matthew Broderick. not to mention the new movie had many- what's the word?- I suppose I shall have to settle with "flaws". Plot holes! that's it! The original was much more suspensful than the more comedic version of today. However, the original movie is rated PG... I 100% disagree with that decision! Perhaps it wasn't rated PG back then... It had to be... Let's just say, even with today's standards that movie should have been rated PG-13. I could go into details as to why, but I won't. If you would like to know, you may ask.

Last thing, I have news. However, it is not something one reveals in an online post. In person is the most appropriate thing. I should try and schedule something or something. I have the tendency to hibernate in my dorm room... anywho. a nap sounds good right about now. maybe plumpy will join me.

come plumpy

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Thoughts that came at 1:36am



I sit here and I cannot even put into words what I need to express...

I just need prayer.

Things are...

haha. I seriously can't put things into words.

I may be leaving. I don't want to leave, but, I think I am being called to leave.



Monday, February 20, 2006

I'm with Garfield, I don't like Mondays...

Did you know...

  • Every 3.6 seconds someone dies of hunger.
  • More than 852 million people across the world are hungry.
  • 54 countries currently do not produce enough food to feed their population.
  • Nearly 8 billion people (1/2 the world's population) lives on less than $2.00 a day.
  • Man made food crisis' have more than doubled since 1992.

So, after a speaker came and spoke about starving children in Africa and a depressing video... Lipscomb decides to have bright orange flyers all around campus stating the above facts. I mean, do not get me wrong, I understand that I must be grateful for what I have and have access to. I understand that those less fortunate than I need help. But... I am poor. I go to a private college that costs an arm and a leg to go to, and this same institution is asking me to donate $360 a year. I work for my father like once a week... I only make like $360 a year! I have to have gas for my car in order to get to the doctors who are supposedly helping me get rid of this bronchitis that if not treated could lead to pneumonia and potentially death!

I understand we need to stay aware of who needs help and how. However, I believe we do not need to be lectured week after consecutive week about it. It makes me feel like crap. When I'm not sick, and when I have time to get a job, I want and will do something to help. I just don't get why Lipscomb feels we need to be reminded day after day that we are selfish, ungrateful and far more fortunate than many in the world and that we need to do something about it. I have no idea why I felt compelled to share this... but I did... so... yeah...

Sunday, February 19, 2006


So, it is definitely 4:41 in the morning! I could not fall asleep worth my life... again! And it is definitely FREEZING in my dorm room right now. According to the thermostat it is approx. 66 degrees in here. I turned up the temp on it, but it doesn't work. So, I am totally wearing the finger cut-off gloves I made for my Harry Potter Tonks outfit. They are working quite nicely actually, I still have my good typing capabilties and yet I can feel the majority of my appendages. So, according to my Weather Channel program thingy, it is 12 degrees outside and it feels like it is -1degrees. Sweet! The perfect time for my scarf to disappear. If only I could knit myself one in a matter of minutes; however, the process is a lot longer than that.

I cleaned my room today. It is nice to have a clean room. It makes me happy. I do need to do some serious grocery shopping though. Not to mention I need to get some more trash bags. It is sad to think how much trash one can accumulate in such a short period of time.

Me and a few of my friends played the most hysterical game of Cranium ever! There were six of us, and what was great, was at first it didn't seem like it was a close game, and then we were all there in the home stretch together in the end. I laughed so hard that I cried! It was great! We also played some DDR tonight, so it was good, we laughed and had a good time AND we exercised!

I miss my rats... *tear*

Man, if I wasn't poor I would go to IHOP like I did ironically a week ago and get some food. Now that I think about it, exactly a week ago I couldn't sleep, so I started getting ready around this time and I went and had a nice breakfast by myself at IHOP. But, I have become considerably more poor since then, so, that is out.

I have played many games of the pinball game that is on this computer. Somehow recently I was able to get the score of 7,208,250. I mostly play this game when I'm on my laptop and I cannot sleep. Tonight I got a score of 7,002,500. I managed that score at 3:27am. I decided that after acheiving another high school like that, I should stop. Has anyone beaten my high score? I would love to know. It would probably make me feel less pathetic, haha. I think I shall either write or read a book, hehe.

Merry Part and Be Well.


There is a lot of stuff going on in my life. I have to make some very important decisions very soon. I'm a little scared. We shall see what unfolds. All I ask is for prayer. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.

Merry Part and Be Well.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Snow Day... NOT

Alrighty, so, every school in the state of TN got out except us! well... not really. in college it all changes. oh well. Actually it didn't really matter to me, I had a test at 9am, but I think I did really well on it.

I spent time with Rose, Kat and Haley (Kat's younger sister). It was fun, but time was definitely not our friend. We made SAD (Single's Awareness Day) t-shirts and "Dote upon yourself day" t-shirts. It was fun. I am not done with my "dote" one yet. I still have the back. I think I finally figured out what I am going to write on it:

"The Doctor is NOT in! No therapy today!
You cannot help others well, unless you help yourself. =)"

Not exactly on the funny side, but it is definitely me! I shall be "helping myself'" to a day off! haha.

So... I am still having sleep problems. I did not sleep whatsoever on Saturday night although I was very very tired, it was odd. And I fear that tonight will be just like that. It is horrible, I bought these sleep aid pills to assist, but I keep forgetting to take them when I should. If I take one now it will be extremely difficult to wake up in time for my 8am class. It is hard to overpower a drug that makes you sleep. I need to set an alarm on my cell phone or something reminding me. I know college for some is about "all nighters", but all my "all nighters" have never required homework, haha. Ah the irony that is my life!

I thought of something that at first I considered interesting and neat, but then I just figured out how sad it was! haha. As I mentioned before, I made a SAD shirt. On it is February 14th 2006 to show the original date I made it. I for a second thought to myself, "hey, I could write ever february 14th that I am single on this shirt"... Then I was like, umm no. Then the t-shirt would truly just signify how SAD my life is! haha. Single's Awareness Day is NOT about being sad. We are simply AWARE of our status and we are happy with it. I'm a patient girl. I waited 17 years for my first and only boyfriend. A month before our first kiss. I think I won't die. And plus, with all that waiting, it ended up being a waste of time. So, hopefully I will find someone WORTH waiting for!

And for my final note! and this is the most important part! I am currently in the process of writing a novel. (My ultimate desire is to become a novelist.) I included the link in my profile of my site on www.fictionpress.com, but I'll include make a link entitled "dude". The first story listed is the book, the rest listed are poems/proses. If you venture to this, a disclaimer to potential morbid ones! I would love any kind of feedback- good or bad. the more specific the better! I am only really happy with the first chapter so far out of the three chapters posted. I have a notebook that has notes all over it about the chapters already written and notes for what will happen in the future. It is called, "Remnants of a Life Once Divided". I am SO happy with the title. And the book cover I designed for it is pretty cool as well. Anyways, wow, this entry became very long!

Merry Part and Be Well.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

sleep or lack there of

So, I cannot sleep again. I think I shall have to resort to temporarily using sleep aid pills... *sigh* oh well. I think I am going to go to IHOP this morning, it is open 24 hours...hehehe. I wish I had someone to join me though. I shall just bring my notebook and write in it. I am working on a novel currently. I would love to get people's opinions on it. I am only happy with the first chapter, which I have edited many many times now. I am only three chapters in. I plan on doing some major revising on the second and third chapter within the next couple of days. fair warning, it does have some swearing in it, only because I thought it was necessary to keep the integrity of the story. I have the link to it in my profile and it is the first story listed. Well... I think I will hope in the shower and go on my early morning adventure.

Merry part and be well.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Ginger Ale

Ok, I am currently quite flustered. For three days in a row now, I have been unable to open my two liter of Ginger Ale! (Let's avoid the funny puns shall we? I have heard them all, haha)It is only about 1/4 full now, but I WANT TO DRINK THE REST OF MY GINGER ALE! I have had a few people already attempt to open it. I have tried using rough things to open it and I have hit it. It is like I am not meant to finish this bottle of Ginger Ale. Maybe someone put poison in it and I am not supposed to die just yet. It is very depressing and sad that I cannot do something as simple as open my liter of Ginger Ale. it is sealed for freshness and it has a twist lid to help instill that freshness, I get it... but what is the point of it if you CAN'T OPEN IT TO DRINK THE BEVERAGE??? It makes me wasteful... it is quite sad. If someone can open it... I will pay you!... well give you a cookie... or two. It shall stay in my fridge for a little bit longer to undergo more sad attempts... but I fear that after a week, I shall have to dispose of it. Ok, I'm don't venting.

Friday, February 10, 2006


So, I finally gave in and got a blogger. I may even use this to randomly post one of the novels I am currently working on. We shall see what unfolds. The only news I have to report is... I have bronchitis... so pity me! haha... no you don't have to. I have had it before- about a year and a half ago or so. But I had it much worse then, so I guess I have something to be grateful for. They gave me horse pills for medication though! OK, so it will stop the cough... because I will be too busy choking to death? That sounds fair.

Actually I don't have a problem with it, I just enjoy whining right now. Hmm... maybe I should have some cheese with my whine? Ooo... like sharp cheddar!