Monday, February 13, 2006

Snow Day... NOT

Alrighty, so, every school in the state of TN got out except us! well... not really. in college it all changes. oh well. Actually it didn't really matter to me, I had a test at 9am, but I think I did really well on it.

I spent time with Rose, Kat and Haley (Kat's younger sister). It was fun, but time was definitely not our friend. We made SAD (Single's Awareness Day) t-shirts and "Dote upon yourself day" t-shirts. It was fun. I am not done with my "dote" one yet. I still have the back. I think I finally figured out what I am going to write on it:

"The Doctor is NOT in! No therapy today!
You cannot help others well, unless you help yourself. =)"

Not exactly on the funny side, but it is definitely me! I shall be "helping myself'" to a day off! haha.

So... I am still having sleep problems. I did not sleep whatsoever on Saturday night although I was very very tired, it was odd. And I fear that tonight will be just like that. It is horrible, I bought these sleep aid pills to assist, but I keep forgetting to take them when I should. If I take one now it will be extremely difficult to wake up in time for my 8am class. It is hard to overpower a drug that makes you sleep. I need to set an alarm on my cell phone or something reminding me. I know college for some is about "all nighters", but all my "all nighters" have never required homework, haha. Ah the irony that is my life!

I thought of something that at first I considered interesting and neat, but then I just figured out how sad it was! haha. As I mentioned before, I made a SAD shirt. On it is February 14th 2006 to show the original date I made it. I for a second thought to myself, "hey, I could write ever february 14th that I am single on this shirt"... Then I was like, umm no. Then the t-shirt would truly just signify how SAD my life is! haha. Single's Awareness Day is NOT about being sad. We are simply AWARE of our status and we are happy with it. I'm a patient girl. I waited 17 years for my first and only boyfriend. A month before our first kiss. I think I won't die. And plus, with all that waiting, it ended up being a waste of time. So, hopefully I will find someone WORTH waiting for!

And for my final note! and this is the most important part! I am currently in the process of writing a novel. (My ultimate desire is to become a novelist.) I included the link in my profile of my site on, but I'll include make a link entitled "dude". The first story listed is the book, the rest listed are poems/proses. If you venture to this, a disclaimer to potential morbid ones! I would love any kind of feedback- good or bad. the more specific the better! I am only really happy with the first chapter so far out of the three chapters posted. I have a notebook that has notes all over it about the chapters already written and notes for what will happen in the future. It is called, "Remnants of a Life Once Divided". I am SO happy with the title. And the book cover I designed for it is pretty cool as well. Anyways, wow, this entry became very long!

Merry Part and Be Well.


Blogger The Gourd said...

I think the S.A.D. concept is very funny. We all know Valentine's Day is just a chocolate/card/teddy bear racket anyways...

8:36 AM  

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