Well, I don't know if you guys remember, but a couple weeks ago I posted a picture I drew. I went to one of those "paint your own pottery" places, it was great fun! I want to do it again sometime soon! But, that image I drew was still burning in my mind, I wasn't satisfied. As a good friend of mine pointed out, it needed more COLOR! So, I actually painted it on a tile. I can't believe I had the courage to do that, considering I haven't made art in 5 years. But, I am happy with the way it turned out. I would love some feedback on it. Love you guys!
Merry part and be well.

oh and what it says on the sides "Why do I write? Perhaps in order not to go mad, or on the contrary, to touch the bottom of madness" ~Elie Wiesel. I tried to convey that quote through the painting.
I just saw the chiropractor today...
I have had just minor back pain for a while, but I just dismissed it as nothing huge until a few weeks ago, when the pain got worse.
x-rays were done and guess what??? I have 4 issues that have been a problem for a while.
- my neck is straight instead of curved like it should be
- my neck is also slightly curved to the left when it shouldn't be
- my lower back is also curved to the left when it shouldn't be
- and my lowest gap inbetween my spine is smaller than it should be...
so I have to go in for a period of time (which will be disclosed to me on Wednesday, when I go in again) and get my neck and back realigned. It has to be done multiple times because, since my neck and back have been like this for a while, it will want to naturally move back to the unhealthy position. So... I feel dumb for not going in any sooner. Especially since, if these problems are not corrected will lead to nerve, bone and organ damage. woo! I mean, at this stage it isn't a huge deal, it is just annoying and will take time to correct. So, if you have had back pain for a while, GET IT CHECKED JUST IN CASE! anyways... so yeah.
Well ladies and gentleman...
I, Ginger (insert last name here), am officially a Californian.
I passed my Californian DMV test today. (I only missed one question- woot!) It was weird because they also took my right thumb print... there is some CSI stuff for ya! The thing is, I don't get the license for a week or so... so, the only thing I have to show for it is this dinky temporary license on paper!
What was also cool, is that attached to my DMV license paperwork was a sheet to register to vote- so I thought "might as well" and did so! I mean, not to sound immature, but I'm not a big political person. In high school government class, it kind of forced me to look at the issues and try and form opinions, so... I guess I have dipped my foot in it... but that is all... But, I know what you are really thinking... "Would you vote for Arnold whoever-can-spell-his-last-name-w/o-looking-it-up Swarzeblahblah?" I couldn't answer it even if I wanted to, haha... not yet anyways .
Also, I will definitely mark that I am willing to be an organ donor, what do I need with my organs once I'm dead? I'm not egyptian, although that would be cool!
I have started drawing again for some random reason. I mean, I used to really be into art and drawing and painting, but I haven't in like 5 years. But recently, I have had this desire to do so. As I have posted and it is my default pic of the first drawing I have done in a while- which by the way I have YET to get a response/feedback for! anyways... so yeah... I think that is all I have to say, haha. miss you all!!! I can't wait to get back and see you guys!
Till Saturday,
Merry part and be well
I had a lot of difficulty sleeping last night. I randomly started to draw in my journal. I haven't tried to draw anything in a VERY long time... at least 4 years. On top of that, I was using pen- no erasing allowed. i had the book "Speak" in my brain, and there is an artistic theme in it. The girl's art theme for the year is to express emotion through trees... I know that sounds weird, but it was actually pretty cool. And if you have seen the cover of the novel, it is interesting. So... with that in mind... this is what I drew... at 3am...
also, I got my new reading glasses today. I was too lazy to get out my nice camera so I took a picture with my webcam, hehe.
Since I have had difficulty finding the opportunity to tell people in person, I give in and shall just inappropriately tell you through this blog that I am moving to California for a year or two. I hate to do it because I absolutely LOVE SO MUCH all the wonderful people that I have met here at Lipscomb University... but I have to get my together, and I believe that God is leading me to California to be with my mother who I know can give me the support that I cannot find here. Unless God leads me otherwise, I AM COMING BACK!!! With the beauty of the webcam however, we can see and hear eachother whenever!!! hehe. So purchase one!
...*more tears*...
Duo is dead...
she died at approximately 2pm today, March 2, 2006...
she died in my arms, as peacefully as possible...
I shall always love her...
she was a wonderful, kind-hearted, loving pet.
in loving memory: