Triple-shot of expresso Latte
so- to prove my theory (somewhat) that caffiene has no "rejuvenating/awakening" affect on me; I drank a triple-shot latte during my break at 8am and I am still EXHAUSTED and tired and not "jittery" in any form or fashion. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz- see? hahaha. Anyway, the movie "Red Eye" came in the mail today from my good ol' Netflix account- WOOOOO! Excited! I have never seen it before. I shall have to make time in the next couple of days. I guess we were running a bit behind at closing at work tonight- cuz no one did chairs until like 10:40pm. I had to call up Gerry and I was like, "I would do the chairs but... it's kinda late and... I'm a girl..." haha. he was like, "yeah I'll send Max." Well, Max has never done chairs before so I went out with him briefly to show him how to do it (even though I have never done it before myself, I just kinda know the concept. anyway, I had already locked the door for the cafe, but I knew that if you dont' let the door shut all the way you can still get in. Well... it shut all the way. hahahaha. So Max and I were locked out. So I called the store and THANKFULLY this girl answered the phone. (I forget her name...) She was like, "yeah I almost didn't answer the phone". OOPS. haha. First day of classes was today for me. I am UBER (is "uber" even a word??? [Goes to check on] ah- nope!)excited about my self-defense boxing class. I'm going to learn jabs, uppercuts and all that jazz! hahaha! (hmm... using a musical reference when talking about boxing... interesting). OK, so at this point you may be thinking that the caffiene got to me, but ah contraire I have been making weird comments like this ALL night! part of me being a bit tired and delirious I think. When I was working with Sarah tonight, I commented on how annoying the hot Venti cup dispenser was saying that "it wouldn't listen" and she was like, "It doesn't listen... Ginger, if the cup dispenser is TALKING to you, you need to TALK to someone!" hahaha. Then, a friend of mine from Fullerton JC dropped by- aww how sweet! I felt so loved! And her boyfriend and her stayed until closing (they were studying). While I said goodbye to then and they were walking out, I was walking backwards back toward the cafe so I could finish up closing and... I kinda walked into the condiment bar... my back hit the corner... it hurt, hahaha. so yeah... I'm just a bit off the wall right now. Not much more to say... -hey! my longest entry yet! wooo! ok... sleep sounds kinda good. goodnight Merry Part and Be Well!!!
I was wondering if you guys could do me a huge favor and check out the novel that I am working on. FEEDBACK WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED. And if you could post feedback on the site, hopefully that can get me more noticed on the site and pull in some viewers that I do not know.
The site is:
I think I finally got a first and second chapter that I am finally happy with. I would really appreciate this. Thank you guys so much!!!
(edit) you might need to know which file to look at, haha. The title of the book is "Remnants of a Life Once Divided" haha. It is the first one on the list.
*sings* I feel good!
I must admit that I feel pretty good. I had a great day and I felt greatly compelled to share it with the cyber world. I know that you all know at least a little bit that I have had my problems and that I still am going through some hard times. I haven't been myself for a while, meaning, my work ethic isn't what it used to be. I used to be so responsible and reliable. I was the straight A student who was really active in school and worked really hard on academics and my passions. I lost that through all my turmoil and I can feel the girl that I used to be, but I'm just not her anymore. I know I can be her again, and today... I felt like I was her again. I went to my dad's office to help out because some of his employees were out. We were so busy; the phone ringing off the hook. I took quotes, endorsements, messages, ran errands, etc. It felt great. I got complimented on how well I was doing and helping out, how well I was taking care of things. It felt good to have a taste of what I was and what I could be. I felt so productive, and I feel this energy that I believe I will carry through the night. I feel like I'm going to get so much done and that I am going to succeed. Todays like today, make me feel like I can be mentally well again. I know that I will falter a bit, but it feels good to know that I can be that girl again. Hopefully, in the future, I will stay that girl.
I know that this entry was weird, but... I just had to type it out.
emergency room
I went to the emergency room last night at around 2am due to extreme back pain that wouldn't go away no matter what I did, even if I was flat on my back. My dad had to help pick me up off the floor. I was crying from the pain. I'm at home right now on the couch. I haven't moved in about 12 hours. They gave me some heavy pain killers. So, whether or not I'm still in pain I don't know, I'm still pretty tired. well... i think i'm going to go back to sleep now. goodnight.

my new rat, Gracie, and Numa, heheheh. CUTE!
This is Your Life, Are You Who You Wanna Be?
this empty blog has been open all day long...
and all I can think to type is the title and...
Well, I don't know if you guys remember, but a couple weeks ago I posted a picture I drew. I went to one of those "paint your own pottery" places, it was great fun! I want to do it again sometime soon! But, that image I drew was still burning in my mind, I wasn't satisfied. As a good friend of mine pointed out, it needed more COLOR! So, I actually painted it on a tile. I can't believe I had the courage to do that, considering I haven't made art in 5 years. But, I am happy with the way it turned out. I would love some feedback on it. Love you guys!
Merry part and be well.

oh and what it says on the sides "Why do I write? Perhaps in order not to go mad, or on the contrary, to touch the bottom of madness" ~Elie Wiesel. I tried to convey that quote through the painting.